Friday, July 29, 2011

Just another Thursday afternoon...

Yes, hair cuts and music lessons at our house on Thursdays. We learn piano, guitar, drums and occasionally we have a recorder lesson too. And when we are finished we have our hair cut so that mom can recognize us. We love our chaotic Thursday afternoons because you never know who will be at our house.

6 loves all of the attention of new faces.

2 enjoys learning new songs from Miss Monica, our music teacher.

They make each other laugh...a lot!

Usually 1 has homework to do, but since its summer, he's playing a game on the computer, again.

4 loves Haley from across the street. They are both girly girls and love the disney Princesses.

6 with one of his favorite people, and my favorite babysitter.

5 sitting still getting a big boy hair cut from Miss Lynn.
It is amazing what a child will do for a lollipop!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Navarre Beach Trip May 2011

One day I pulled out my camera at the beach and took some pictures. These are the kids who were around then, so I have pictures of them. I'm sure DH has more beach pics of the others somewhere...
"Take my Picture"


"Now take my Picture with C.C."

"Ok, now with 6"

"Do I really like this stuff?"

"Oh, you're taking my picture!"

"I'm cold from the water. Ooh, take my picture!!"

"C.C. is MY godmother"

"What do you mean I can't take off my life jacket? Now I'll have a temper fit!"

Today... with pictures!

Here's the update from last time, and I finally pulled out my camera and took some pictures of the children. We started our day with a trip to the EJGH lab so that I could get a blood test done to confirm my Pertussis diagnosis. Yes, you read that right, I have contracted whooping cough. It's not so bad as an adult, and I'm not contagious any more. No one else in my crew has gotten it because they've all had their vaccines and DH had his booster when he got a post- Katrina Tetanus booster. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do this late in the game, so I have cough medicine for the nights.

We finally went school shoe shopping today, but not before we went to Sam's where 2 lost his top front tooth while pushing a cart.

Here we are with our school shoes. It took us only 20 minutes. I think the guy at the Sneaker Shop wanted us out of there even faster than I did.
Don't they look like a crew in desperate need of haircuts? It's a good thing Ms. Lynn is coming tomorrow during their music lessons. I'll be sure to document our Thursday afternoon chaos for you in pictures.

6 didn't get any shoes yet, as he isn't walking, although with the way he's eating lately, it won't be very long before he is running with the rest of the crew.

Today was Hula Day at camp.
Aren't they so cute in their hula skirts and leis?

They made art too. It's a hula boy...

and a hula girl too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

uniform shopping

What is it about uniform shopping that makes my kids turn into crazy people? I think the realization that summer is almost over causes a rebellion in each of them, that unfortunately for me, turns my normally polite, well-behaved kids into monsters, and not the kind you see on Sesame Street!

Monday was so difficult that I had to take a break today. I will try to summon up the courage to get shoes tomorrow. I have had enough of the lashing out at me and the disrespectful behavior that inevitable follows an outing for anything school related. I will, however, bring my camera tomorrow and document their behavior, so that when I'm asked how my day was, I'll have proof that the kids who are always good for their father, were in fact, good for their mother, too. ( a girl can dream can't she?!?)

wish me luck!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Life returns to normal post stay-cation...

Why don't you have time for a morning jog? Why don't you take more time for yourself? Why are you so busy? What do you do all day if 4 of the kids are in camp?

Breakfast, dishes, laundry, carpool, errand, lunch, dishes, laundry, naptime, carpool, outside play time, dinner, dishes, laundry, baths and bedtime. REPEAT.

Seriously. I get asked these questions too much. Add to the above typical day snacks between each meal, a baby with fever that won't quit, and a 5 year old shadow who asks more questions than anyone I've ever met. Oh, and pay the bills, clean the house, buy the birthday presents, purge the junk, stay on top of the constant flow of paper, blah, blah, blah!

Okay enough complaining. I just wish there was an extra 30 minutes, maybe 45 to add some solitary exercise back into my day. I do pilates 2-3 times a week and really am loving that, but I would love to get back into the habit of running or walking everyday. I used to have time for this after naps, before dinner, but kids get older and require more energy zapping that riding in a stroller. Maybe I should make them run with me. Then I would get the exercise, but not the solitude to gather my thoughts. Oh well, better than nothing, right?

I'd love to hear some suggestions as to how to add it into my day. And skip the get up early and exercise suggestions. I drag myself out of bed at 6:30 every morning already, there's no way I'm getting up any earlier than that:-)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Stay-cation weekend was wonderful! Thursday evening, I had a massage and they realized Mike had a basketball game, so I headed down the street to April's to get a pedicure. That was a real treat as I haven't had one since my birthday.

Mike and I spent the weekend watching movies, going out to eat and visiting places we have been meaning to go see, but never found the time. The WWII Museum especially was fantastic. It's a must see.

We had conversations that didn't get interrupted, we ate meals while they were still hot, and we sat still for the entirety of 2 whole movies. It really is the little things.

We were already planning for our next break, maybe around my birthday...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My vacation...

Today it all begins. The girls went up to the country yesterday evening with Elizabeth and Layne. Check. The babies have been packed up, delivered and set up at CC's house. Check. The big boys are at camp. DH is picking them up and delivering them to Grammy and Pops. Check. Let the weekend of nothing begin!

I think my first order of business will be a massage, then dinner, followed by a bath and a good book.

Jealous? You should be:-)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baseball update

1's team is practicing almost daily to stay ready to defend their #1 seed as the single elimination tourney winds down. 2 had his first playoff game on Friday night, which I missed because of 1's temper fit. Apparently the Bulls played the best they had all season and kicked the other team's butt!

The second game was last night, and surprisingly they played even better than the Friday game. The game was called because they were up 21 to 3 and the other team had no chance to catch up with only one inning left. Every kid got on base and scored at least once. 2 played 3rd base and had some big plays including 3 outs and a double play throwing the ball from 3rd to 1st. Apparently that is unheard of in this league, because more than one dad/coach commented on his remarkable skills. I was hoarse from cheering and my other kids had a blast because mom was too distracted to wonder where their shoes were or why they didn't have them on until the game was over.

Tonight's game is a big deal, because if they win, they'll move on to the double elimination tournament and play Thursday and Friday. Let's go Bulls!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Yesterday was the first time I took 3,4,5,& 6 to pilates with me. 6 has been going with me since January when I started, but the others were new to the experience. In a room with 3 reformers, weighted balls, a bosu ball, and multiple other exercise equipment, you'd have thought I took them to chuck e cheese. It was as though I has taken them to a toy store. 5, more than once tried to start a soccer game. 3 & 4 bounced balls that were as big or bigger than them. They all took turns playing sword fight with various wooden poles. It's a really good thing I do private classes.

That will be the last time I ever do that, if I can help it.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Life and times with a 9 year old an be quite difficult.

Tonight it was 1 turn to have a temper fit. Of course it made me miss 2's first playoff game, which they won. So how do you convince a 9 year old that people love him and care about him? Well it turns out he just wants to be heard. It's hard to get a word in around here, and he has been feeling neglected. This plus the exhaustion of a week of camp and baseball practice equals one major meltdown. He used every ugly word he knew and attempted to wrestle with me. Good thing I have older brothers:) I was prepared to handle his outburst without losing it myself.

So, once he calmed down and relaxed his nerves, we had a little pow wow to let him get out his feelings. We even talked about how he thinks things could change to be better. Now to get DH on board. That is probably going to be the hardest part.

I also need to figure out a way to get the Queen, aka 3, under control. She certainly knows how to press those buttons, and does so with reckless abandon!

Baseball Season 2011

If you have been wondering where we've been lately, we have spent all of May and June and half of July, if we make playoffs, at Carrolton Boosters Ball Park at the Fly. We spent so much time there this summer that I don't worry anymore when 5 disappears. He wanders off to find a more interesting game to watch, then runs back to report the exciting plays. 6 is accustomed to spending hours in a stroller and/or being handed off to whomever is willing to hold him for just a little while so I can cool off. 123&4 all played this year and of course were in 4 different leagues, so 4 different teams, 4 different schedules, and 4 different sets of practices. Needless to say, NOCC swim team had to go. There was no way to be at NOCC and the Fly every afternoon for June. Maybe next year. Maybe.

1 is on the Pelicans, named after the old Tulane team. His coach, Mark Latham, is incredibly patient with the boys and has coached them to success. They are the #1 seed in the 9/10 league going into the double elimination playoffs. He has really enjoyed learning to play catcher this season and has survived being hit a few times with the ball. Due to his April birthday he is the youngest on his team. In fact, his best friend plays in 2's league as well as a good bit of his HNJ classmates. He is learning a lot about team spirit and that no matter if you are the best, worst, or somewhere in between, all players are important and need to play their best to have a successful team. As successful as they have been, it is still pretty painful to watch. Let's just say that more than once, the bases were loaded on walks.

2 is on the Bulls this season. Paul Hutchinson is the head coach and Dad is the assistant coach and team pitcher, as 7/8 is still coach pitch. This fact alone makes the games much more exciting and action packed. He has really show his natural athleticism this season, and has wowed more than a few coaches and other dads. His age sure does show. Next season should be interesting to watch as he is an 8 year old. Many of the parents assume that he plays on the travel team. Fortunately, we didn't know about the tryouts for that until it was over. He gets on base every at bat and is capable of throwing a catchable ball from 3rd to 1st as well as stopping most balls that come his way. When his mind is in the game he can really play well.

3 is on a team with 8 other HNJ classmates in the 5/6 softball league. Their team name is Best Friends. Jenny Babineaux and Barbara Manzanti are the coaches. She played really well the whole season and made the all star team. After the 3 inning all star game, there was an awards ceremony to give out trophies. She then decided she wanted a McDonald's celebratory dinner. Mmmm. During her best game she got 10 girls out. The rest of the time she keeps her coaches amused with her chatter and smack talk. She has even been know to coach her teammates on how to play softball with comments like "C'mon, you HAVE to call time" Or "If you play 1st base, then you HAVE to catch the ball, silly" Of course the most important part of the whole experience is the team drink after the games. It is amazing what kids will do for 4 ounces of red cream soda.

4 had her first team experience this summer as a member of the Jets in the 4 yr old T-Ball league. Her best bud from LRSH, Patrick Landry, was also on her team and seeing the to two of them together was pretty cute. Mickey Landry was the coach and the kids learned to bat, run the bases correctly, and not all chase the ball by the end of the season. I am pretty sure she was the only kid in the league to play in a skirt and sparkle shoes for most of the season. After the last game, trophies were given out to all of the players and they had a team swimming party at the Landry's house. She had such a good time this season that she asked if she could play soccer too, but only if they have team drinks too.

5 didn't play this season, but as I already mentioned, he is very comfortable at the ball park. He has come to call any fountain drink over ice a team drink. DH wants to let him play t-ball next summer as a 3 1/2 year old. I'm not so sure about that.

I'll post an update as the playoffs progress and we see just how far the Bulls make it as well as how the Pelicans hold up as the #1 seed.


Today marks the last day of my summer vacation. This week has been wonderful. Don't get me wrong, I love my children dearly, but the week of everyone in camp has been delightful. I never thought my vacation would be a week of kids in camp from 9-3. Nor did I think that chasing an almost one year old around would be the easy part of my life! I know I'm not the only one who cannot accomplish the little things with all of their kids around. It's a miracle that any bills have gotten paid this summer, that we haven't eaten exclusively fast food dinners or that the laundry has actually been folded. This past week I've even started this blog, filed paperwork and cleaned the house! I know crazy right! So here we go, updates on the kiddos.

This week has marked the beginning of me choosing not fighting with 2. He is in a "wonderful" stage right now called make mom and dad crazy for no good reason. It is quite difficult to reason with an unreasonable 7 year old who thinks it is okay for him to run away whenever things are not going his way. He has been the cause of many VCB's and mommy timeouts. I think the most frustrating part is the impasse. Not knowing what do do the get this to end is the worst part. He's too big to remove and too little to let him run. Plus there are 5 other kids to contend with while he is demanding all of my attention. DH thinks I make it worse by not hugging him and explaining why he needs to do what I want him to do. It sounds like a simple solution, but its difficult to have a quiet moment with just one child. It is especially hard when he only has these moments when we are trying to go somewhere or do something for someone else.

1 has been especially pleasant this week. He is enjoying camp and is making new friends. His baseball team is #1 in his league and is heading into the playoffs. This season has been really good for him because he is the youngest on his team and therefore the least skilled player out there. He is really enjoying himself and that's is such a great life lesson to learn.

3 is really coming into her own this summer. Jimmy Club has been so good for her. She was so excited to be her groups leader for the Cheer and Dance competitions, and very proud that they won both of those. This from the girl who professed that girls are boring and girl stuff sucks.
I know that I really enjoyed my time as a camper there and that I have some great memories of my time there. Its is amazing to watch her as she grows up. She is definitely the most like me of all the kids.

4 is my girlie girl who despite being the youngest in her group is the leader. The other kids follow her lead and she uses that power for good. I know the LRSH staff appreciates that. She will do great in PK at HNJ this year. Its hard to believe that she is already going to big school.

5 is also becoming more of a big boy this summer. He is staying all day at camp and thriving. The transition to napping at school was a piece of cake for him. I bet he'll be potty trained before the summer is over. Yesterday at 2's baseball practice, he had the best time hitting whiffle balls off of the tee. He was as good or better than the older kids who were doing that for practice. His enthusiasm is infectious. You cannot help but smile and laugh with him as he goes about his days.

Which brings me to 6. Talk about growing like a weed, I can practically see him growing right before my eyes. He is still a snuggle bug, but he also enjoys playing with his toys, throwing balls, and making loud noises. He has discovered the plastic dishes and tupperware cabinets in the kitchen and regularly empties them out for me. Isn't that so sweet! He also really love the water. He wants to splash and kick and crawl around. He also loves to be thrown up in the air. The higher the better. I bet he is a daredevil like 2.