Thursday, November 10, 2011

Halloween Weekend

Okay, So this is how our Halloween weekend went (warning, this was one exhausting weekend!)

Friday morning, 6 got his first pair of shoes and walking was suddenly much harder to do.  I know I should have helped him get up, but he had already fallen so many times that I had to pull out my camera for y'all to enjoy.

On Friday, 5 celebrated his birthday at school.  I send in cupcakes and they gave him balloons!

Hugging Winnie the Pooh

His whole class sang to him.
School is the BEST, especially on your birthday!

After school, we had a few minutes to enjoy presents before we rushed off to the next activity.
5 got a Batman bike for his birthday.  He was especially excite as he is dressing as Batman for Halloween this year.

So excited to have a spare bike to sit on!
Here he is, showing us how cool his new bike is:

It is Friday after all, so we headed out to the playground for Friday night soccer clinics.  It was much colder that night than it had been all day.   4 brought home the class friend, Frankie the Flamingo, to share her crazy weekend with.  I think this was the only thing we let Frankie attend.  I am always afraid I'll be the Mom who loses the silly animal!

After soccer, we spent the evening fixing hair.

I couldn't stop laughing at this.  too funny.

Saturday evening was HNJ's Trick or Trunk Event.  The kids have a blast playing and trick or treating with their classmates.

They have so much fun that I don't see 1, 2, or 3 until its time to leave and I've put my camera away.  I did however get to have dinner with Batman, Robin and the cutest ladybug I've ever seen!



Batman and the Ladybug

Dad and Robin, who couldn't stop eating that ice cream for anything!

Sunday after mass, we celebrated 5 and 2's birthdays along with the cousins and uncles that came to 9 birthdays in 3 weeks.  One party was necessary to keep the holidays enjoyable.
just practicing

Claire turned 7

Olivia made 4
2 turned 8

5 made 3
it took a few tries to blow out that candle

Richard made 14.  I cannot believe he is already that old

Mary Grace turned 10.  Double digits!

Maggie made 8

And then the mass chaos of all these kids opening gifts.

If they were not he birthday child, then they were helping a birthday child open their gifts.

The moms were scrambling to keep up with tags!

Some were watching the Saints game on TV and couldn't help but cheer .

 I'm exhausted, and we haven't even gotten to actual Halloween yet!  I'll add those later

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