Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 4 -- Its Friday

So today is the Friday before the Super Bowl here in NOLA.  Of course 5 & 6 do not have school because of Parent Teacher Conferences.  I think they really just wanted to go downtown today and enjoy the party.  I, on the other hand, spent my morning at Sam's.  Woo Hoo!

On the brighter side, Miss Thing had a bottle at 1am, woke up at 2am, and again at 3am looking for her nuk, and slept until after 8 this morning.  That's what I'm talking about!  Now if I could only get her to repeat this over and over again...

I can actually think clearly.  Well, much more clearly than the day before:)  Today just might be the day I pick out a stroller for this little one.  Let me explain.  I never struggle to make decisions, that is, unless I am not sleeping.  Then I cannot make even the most simple of decisions.  It is frustrating to say the least, given the enormous number of decisions I make any given day.  Things as simple as "What's for dinner?", to "What are you going to do about it?" become impossible for me to answer and push me to tears.  And not because of the questions, but because of my complete inability to answer them.

So back to the I get a double or single?  jogging or not?  simple to fold and carry, or lots of storage space?  What will I use it for?  What stroller(s) do I already have?  Do I really need a new stroller?

That one is easy...YES!  Umbrella stroller is moldy and jogging stroller doesn't collapse.

I know it would seem simple, but then there is the ultra "thrifty" part of me that doesn't see why I should spend any money on another stroller.  I could easily replace the umbrella for $20.  But it doesn't have storage space, and it is not good for little babies.  So I could get the latest and greatest Bob stroller, for the bargain price of $300...not!

So somewhere in between.  Good, there are only 500 strollers that fall into that category.  I'll look for a Graco (carseat) compatible stroller that folds easily and is rated well on Amazon, then just buy it. Unless the have it at Babies R Us.  Then I'll go pick it up.  Hope you have  a great decisive day!

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