Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sports schedules

I always said I wouldn't be one of those parents who allow their kids to run their lives, and yet somehow I have let that happen.  I haven't had a completely free night in months!  I think I should explain that statement.  I haven't had the luxury of sitting down at the table with everyone at 6 p.m. (our usual dinner time) and serving a complete meal, then sending them to bed at a decent hour, so that I then can have a free night to read, or sleep or watch a recorded show from 3 months ago.

We spend the after dinner hours hurrying to finish homework and trying to get babies to bed while older kids are just finishing a late dinner.  By the time the kids are all in bed, its an hour past my bedtime and its all I can do to wash my face and brush my teeth before I pass out and start the vicious cycle all over again!

Things started off well.  We had 3 playing fall soccer which only had games on Saturdays, and boy scouts for the oldest.  And music lessons at our house on Thursdays. When soccer ended, fall baseball began for #2 and then christmas break (aka the longest 2 weeks ever).

Now spring soccer and spring basketball have begun.  Oldest talked his way into playing for 2 different leagues.  I agreed only because it was not going to start until other league was over.  Oops, he got the dates wrong.  And now I chase my tail and try to keep the proper gear clean and ready to go.  4 kids, 5 leagues and not enough hours between 3:30 and 8 pm.  The poor babies are exhausted from all of the late nights.  This too shall pass, right?

Not!  Just got the email to sign up for baseball this summer.  And all of the fun will resume.  I really do enjoy watching them grow and learn different sports.  And I think its important to learn to be part of a team, but when does it end??  And when will we all have time to sit down and do nothing?  Or something other than team sports?  Does it get easier when they can drive themselves?  It has to! Right?


  1. Not funny, but absolutely hilarious! I guess moms never get a break. Hang in there, Momma!

  2. Oh yes,,,,Driving is a wonderful first you feel like you have laid off from your job. Then slowly, good meals appear on the table, you get to knit, smock, read, blog :), whatever your fancy is...and seeing those taillights disappear is a really nice thing! I do think it is the years from 9 to 18 that are the hardest and keep you the busiest cause you are never home and able to get your "stuff" done! Good luck!
