Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 2

Here we go again.  6&7 are sleeping, 5 is playing with his Leapster laptop.  I just arranged a play date for 2, signed up for camps for 1-4, paid some bills, arranged for a donation pick up and cleaned my house from yet another case of lice.  Oh, and restrained myself from firing an architect who cannot seem to understand a budget.  and that was all after I fed and cleaned up lunch.

Hello, my name is Super Mom, nice to meet you.  The kids are all getting started in their spring sports, basketball and soccer, at Carrollton Boosters, and the daily schedule of games and practices is enough to make me want to force them all to quit.  We limit them all to one sport at  a time and we do seem to manage the chaos, but it is just that...CHAOS.  I feel the stress of dragging a 2 month old to soccer practice in the rain.  I feel the stress of impending hours of homework after practices. And then there are dreaded mealtimes that can best be described as feeding disgruntled gremlins who are hungry only for junk. times.  This stuff doesn't bother the kids though.  I am the only one who feels the stress of it all.  I guess its good that its just me, because if the kids felt this, we would discontinue everything until stress subsided.

Oh, and Super Bowl is this weekend.  Yay.  And Mardi Gras is next weekend, followed by kids home for a week.  Double Yay.

I am rambling.  I have no focus.  Maybe I will get better at blogging the more I do it.  For now you will get these ramblings from the over worked, sleep deprived, stressed out mom of 7 young children who is still trying to figure out how to do it all.

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