Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Life returns to normal post stay-cation...

Why don't you have time for a morning jog? Why don't you take more time for yourself? Why are you so busy? What do you do all day if 4 of the kids are in camp?

Breakfast, dishes, laundry, carpool, errand, lunch, dishes, laundry, naptime, carpool, outside play time, dinner, dishes, laundry, baths and bedtime. REPEAT.

Seriously. I get asked these questions too much. Add to the above typical day snacks between each meal, a baby with fever that won't quit, and a 5 year old shadow who asks more questions than anyone I've ever met. Oh, and pay the bills, clean the house, buy the birthday presents, purge the junk, stay on top of the constant flow of paper, blah, blah, blah!

Okay enough complaining. I just wish there was an extra 30 minutes, maybe 45 to add some solitary exercise back into my day. I do pilates 2-3 times a week and really am loving that, but I would love to get back into the habit of running or walking everyday. I used to have time for this after naps, before dinner, but kids get older and require more energy zapping that riding in a stroller. Maybe I should make them run with me. Then I would get the exercise, but not the solitude to gather my thoughts. Oh well, better than nothing, right?

I'd love to hear some suggestions as to how to add it into my day. And skip the get up early and exercise suggestions. I drag myself out of bed at 6:30 every morning already, there's no way I'm getting up any earlier than that:-)


  1. OK ~ that post stressed me out just reading it! This is my suggestion - granted I didn't do it when I was where you were (and I only had three) but looking back, I think I should have. What about hiring a high-school student and scheduling her to come and babysit so you can run or go exercise. If you had someone come three times a week from 2:00 - 6:00 what ever hours works best for your schedule - you could run out to exercise, grocery shop and do critical items necessary to your well being. Just a thought that you have probably thought about! I feel for you! Wish I were closer and could help you out more.

  2. Sorry to stress you out! Its manageable most of the year, but summers are really hard for me. I think that post was more of a vent over the stupid questions than anything, but thanks for the advice. I really do need to hire someone to be here for the after school/homework stretch of the day.

  3. I woke up this morning, walked downstairs with Maggie, tossed her to Tim, and headed out the door for a walk. It was MAGICAL!!!! lol

    In related news, I literally ran 3 steps, felt my back pinch, and have sworn off running until I resemble more of an antelope than a cow...
