Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Navarre Beach Trip May 2011

One day I pulled out my camera at the beach and took some pictures. These are the kids who were around then, so I have pictures of them. I'm sure DH has more beach pics of the others somewhere...
"Take my Picture"


"Now take my Picture with C.C."

"Ok, now with 6"

"Do I really like this stuff?"

"Oh, you're taking my picture!"

"I'm cold from the water. Ooh, take my picture!!"

"C.C. is MY godmother"

"What do you mean I can't take off my life jacket? Now I'll have a temper fit!"


  1. Un-oh .....Pictures! Now you are becoming a real blogger! The last one is hysterical! I think I spy my Sara in the second to last!

  2. I love these pictures! And the ham that the little man has become!!! And, seriously, #6 kills me with how old he looks!! Where is the baby???! Can't wait to see y'all.
