Tuesday, July 26, 2011

uniform shopping

What is it about uniform shopping that makes my kids turn into crazy people? I think the realization that summer is almost over causes a rebellion in each of them, that unfortunately for me, turns my normally polite, well-behaved kids into monsters, and not the kind you see on Sesame Street!

Monday was so difficult that I had to take a break today. I will try to summon up the courage to get shoes tomorrow. I have had enough of the lashing out at me and the disrespectful behavior that inevitable follows an outing for anything school related. I will, however, bring my camera tomorrow and document their behavior, so that when I'm asked how my day was, I'll have proof that the kids who are always good for their father, were in fact, good for their mother, too. ( a girl can dream can't she?!?)

wish me luck!!


  1. I'm terrified!!! Good luck! at least they don't all need physicals... or do they?

  2. No physicals, but October is around the corner, and they all need to get flu shots. That is something else. I made Mike come with me last year.
