Friday, July 29, 2011

Just another Thursday afternoon...

Yes, hair cuts and music lessons at our house on Thursdays. We learn piano, guitar, drums and occasionally we have a recorder lesson too. And when we are finished we have our hair cut so that mom can recognize us. We love our chaotic Thursday afternoons because you never know who will be at our house.

6 loves all of the attention of new faces.

2 enjoys learning new songs from Miss Monica, our music teacher.

They make each other laugh...a lot!

Usually 1 has homework to do, but since its summer, he's playing a game on the computer, again.

4 loves Haley from across the street. They are both girly girls and love the disney Princesses.

6 with one of his favorite people, and my favorite babysitter.

5 sitting still getting a big boy hair cut from Miss Lynn.
It is amazing what a child will do for a lollipop!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, 6 is too freakin' cute. Seriously! And 1 and 2 need those haircuts- can't wait to see the "After" shots. Who was it- Ryan or Aaron?- who had the long hair... Ugh, boys. Charlie got buzzed yesterday, but Jack looks like a shaggy dog! I just hate to cut his curls... he looks so cute when it's humid out! But when it's dry... what a slob. Anyway, can't wait to see them!
